Where Next? Who Applies to Level 4 and 5 Qualifications
This report explores the motivation and experiences of people who apply to Level 4 and 5 courses (SCQF Level 7 and 8 in Scotland) through UCAS.
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Disclaimer: The Gatsby Charitable Foundation commissions and funds research which contributes to the strengthening of the country’s science and engineering skills. The views and opinions presented in the research reports do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
This report explores the motivation and experiences of people who apply to Level 4 and 5 courses (SCQF Level 7 and 8 in Scotland) through UCAS.
This report presents feedback of destinations for a sample of the first wave of T Level students, who completed their programme of study in 2022. This analysis was conducted by RCU on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation.
The teacher labour market has finally recovered from the stasis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are likely to see much higher levels of teacher job moves September 2022, particularly in secondary schools where job advertisements are up 47% on last year and 14% on 2019, the last pre-pandemic year.
The Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust releases a Gatsby-commissioned report describing T-level industry placement models developed by NHS organisations across England.
This report from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership looks at best practice and lessons learnt in implementing coherent technical education strategies including T-levels in 5 local areas: Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Liverpool, Sheffield and West Midlands
Key Indicators in STEM Education draws together data spanning many years to show trends in the number of young people choosing science and maths at GCSE, A-level and undergraduate level, as well as data on gender balance, apprenticeship and vocational qualification uptake and teacher supplu across STEM education.