Plant Science

Focus Areas

Enriching school science

It is important that young people appreciate the relevance of plant science to modern life, and have a good understanding of how plants work. We fund projects which develop the science curriculum, support teachers and connect plant scientists with schools.

Enriching school science

The Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS) programme, based at the Sainsbury Laboratory in Cambridge, aims to stimulate plant science in the classroom by:

  • producing relevant, thought-provoking resources for schools and colleges, focusing on high-quality practical work;
  • creating opportunities for professional development through our SAPS Associates scheme and website;
  • working with educational organisations to ensure the science curriculum and qualifications support learning and enjoyment of plant science;
  • encouraging plant scientists – from undergraduates through to international researchers – to get involved in education and outreach activities. 

The Gatsby Plants Summer School offers opportunities for practising teachers, textbook writers and A level examiners to attend lectures from world-renowned plant scientists and discuss the latest research as well as fundamental concepts with experts as well as undergraduates.

Undergraduates and postgraduates in the Gatsby Plants Network receive training and guidance in communication skills and participating in outreach activities involving schools.

The Sainsbury Laboratories in Norwich and Cambridge participate in a range of public engagement activities, including giving public lectures, offering placements to A level and T level students, and visiting schools.

Enriching school science