
Focus Areas


We collaborate with like-minded organisations to enhance our impact. Strategic partnerships range from supporting capital projects for new research centres to new technology development as well as public engagement and outreach.


Our largest collaboration is with Wellcome to build the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour at University College London.

We are partnering over a ten-year period with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, the International Brain Research Organisation, the Champalimaud Foundation and Bordeaux Neurocampus to support the continued development and operations of the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme.

Another long term project which recently completed involved a partnership with the Kavli Foundation to fund the Society for Neuroscience’s, which has become a key 'go to' online resource for public information about neuroscience.

A very successful collaboration with a number of institutions and agencies supported a technology development consortium to fabricate new cutting-edge neuroprobes that now allow neuroscience researchers to collect more data and better interpret their results.
