Technicians Make it Happen - photo competition
The next strand of our Technicians Make it Happen campaign focuses on developing engagement online; starting conversations about the role of technicians and the great opportunities available.

Technicians Make it Happen has a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that has been building steadily since its launch in April. On 15 August the campaign launched an image sharing campaign across the three channels using the #techniciansmakeithappen hashtag. Followers are being asked to post images like those suggested in this video:
At the end of each month a wining image will receive a £25 Amazon voucher. The winner will be announced on social media. An overall winner will be picked in 2017 and will receive a cash prize and career guidance from a leading industry expert. Partners and supporters of the campaign are being encouraged to join in online to maintain momentum.
If you wish to get involved or would like to receive some of the Technicians Make it Happen stickers, please contact