Royal College of Psychiatrists - review of the curriculum for trainees in psychiatry
We partnered with the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Wellcome to support a project that reviewed and led to a significant update to the training curriculum and available resources for psychiatrists, specifically aimed at increasing the neuroscience component to meet the needs of modern day mental health research and treatment.

Gatsby has a focus on fundamental research, with a portfolio that spans genes to behaviour. Our investment in basic science contributes to the challenge of identifying, observing, manipulating and ultimately understanding the circuits that generate behaviour.
The aim of RCPsych project is to make sure that the exciting advances in basic and clinical neuroscience are conveyed directly and reflect current understanding so that trainees are better equipped for the scientific advances that will be made over their working lives.
The initial phase of this project was over two years, during which RCPsych established a Commission that reviewed the current content and teaching of neuroscience in the specialist training of psychiatrists and made recommendations for a new curriculum incorporating modern developments in clinical neuroscience. Co-chaired by Dr Wendy Burn (previously Dean and now immediate past President of RCPsych) and Professor Mike Travis (Director of Residency Training, Pittsburgh and Co-Director of the US National Neuroscience Curriculum Initiative) the Commission was tasked to determine the overall structure of a new curriculum based upon best contemporary practice and the required resources to support learning. A new curriciulum was finalised and approved and is now being used.
Following this successful initial phase, we provided a further grant for three years to allow RCPsych and the Commission to continue their work to monitor and to assess the impact of the new curriculum as well as to consolidate new educational resources for trainees (including annual neuroscience symposia, hands-on practical training days, UK-wide neurosceince and psychiatry networks, and updated online multimedia training modules).