Plant Science
Grants to Exceptional Researchers
The Gatsby Plant Science small grants programme funds exceptional research projects that are unlikely to attract support from research councils or other funding agencies.

Grants are normally up to a maximum of £35K and can be for pump priming, for bridging funds, for purchasing a key piece of equipment, or for developing community resources. Although small in cash value, these grants often launch major new research programmes and they are universally valued by the UK plant sciences research community.
Application guidelines:
- Applications should be a maximum of two sides of A4, and should comprise a scientific case for support plus a budget breakdown.
- Grants are only awarded to independent investigators working in a UK institution.
- Applications are particularly welcome from recently appointed independent investigators.
- Decisions are made up to five times a year, usually in January, March/April, July, September and December (dates will vary each year, so please email for further details).
- Applications should be submitted by email to Roxaana Clayton [].